It’s publication day!

It's publication day! We are finally here. And great news from my publishers - there's been such demand for the book that they are reprinting already!

I started writing this book before a global pandemic and George Floyd's murder, and the reckoning with racial justice that followed.

It is one of the hardest things I've ever done - writing a book through a pandemic alongside a full-time job, freelancing, starting a business and being a toddler mum! But it felt important. And like it was meant to happen at that exact time.

Thank you to all those who have supported me.

The book had been a long time in the making. I remember having a conversation with Katherine Venn at Hodder Faith a few years ago, in which the very first sparks of the book emerged. I’m really thankful to Katherine for her faith in me, the encouragement when I needed it, her patience, gentle nudges and challenges that made the book what it is.

I’m also hugely grateful for the expertise, passion and support of others at John Murray Press, including Rachael Duncan and Jessica Lacey. To those that took time out of their busy schedules to read the first drafts and gave me honest feedback and encouragement.

Thank you Jendella Benson, Dominique van Werkhoven, A. D. A France-Williams and Vicky Walker. Your insights made the book so much better than what it was.

Thank you to those who have been fighting this fight long before me: Professor Anthony G. Reddie, Archdeacon Rosemarie Mallett, Dr Elizabeth Henry and Professor Robert Beckford, whose wisdom also helped to shape this book. And, finally, none of this would have been possible without the support of my various ‘families’. My church family – the most wonderful community of people. My Christian Aid family – passionate and excellent human beings determined to make the world better. And my actual family. From mum and dad, who read various drafts and encouraged and corrected along the way, to my cheerleader sisters, to my husband Mark, who held me when I felt broken. And to my golden-brown boy, K, who had absolutely no idea what was going on, but whose cuteness was all I needed.

It's not an easy read, but I hope it will help bring change and remind us that all of us are made in the image of God.

I’m already blown away by seeing the number of people who have supported me by buying this book - from friends to family to strangers. I’m immensely grateful. (PS, don’t forget to post a review on Amazon!)

Thank you.



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BBC Radio 4: Thought for The Day - 25 May 2021